sMiles fundraisers will be posted on our site and social media with specific goals to bring sMiles to kids in treatment. You can start your own sMiles fundraiser as well. Just make sure you title it sMiles so we make sure the money is given to this purpose.
If you would like your group to help create sMiles in kind donations that are delivered to the children's hospital, we are here to help! We can guide you, help facilitate your event and support the delivery of your goodies which are sure to create sMiles.
sMiles paintings can be requested in honor of or in memory of a child affected by childhood cancer. sMiles paintings can also be an animal or character a child would like as a keepsake. To make a request, email
Portraits of childhood cancer fighters, survivors, and angels are painted on 5x7 canvas and mailed to the family. Please submit a request, and we will be in touch.