Check in with with us at for ideas, tips, and support. You can also reference Play Inspiration and Impact for ideas. With the ability to Play Your Way, anyone can get involved. We also want to empower kids to participate and learn about how they can grow by supporting a childhood issue.
Wondering how you'd actually raise money? Don't worry, we have ideas, and we mean it when we say every dollar counts.
We embrace all inclusive, positive play. Play becomes Powerful when it raises awareness and/or funds for childhood cancer research. Promote our cause, ask for likes for our social pages, and direct people to our website. Raise funds. Every dollar contributes to life saving childhood cancer research. Play (and party) with purpose. #PowerfulPlay
Instagram @move4miles
Fundraising tools: - add our nonprofit to your invitation and collect donations - create a fundraiser or add the link to our page for donations
PayPal - use our donation Hub in our store or the donate button on our homepage - create a fundraiser, event or give directly
checks can be made to Move for Miles and sent to our address
We plan to always keep moving for progress for childhood cancer research. It also happens to be a great way to encourage people to Play and Move for Miles! #letsgetmoving #MoveforMiles #morethan4
Childhood cancer is a hard journey. We want to bring sMiles to families in treatment and allow others to get involved. Fundraisers, events, and paintings are how we do this. Miles is our sMiles inspiration. If you would like to host a sMiles event, we encourage you to reach out to to coordinate details for concept and delivery. #sMiles
We have some great banners we can send to support your event. We also have printed materials to help you tell the story, awesome wristbands to offer your guests, and seasonal promotional items to help you host.
Check out our Play tab: Events and Programs to see our current Move for Miles led events. You can attend an event, collaborate with us, or support our planning efforts.